Amri Arshad

About me

I am a Muslim, Computer Science Graduate from The University of Auckland, Tech enthusiast and Creative Coder. You might be wondering what a "Creative Coder" is, and the best way I can explain this to you is to show you some of my work. But if you didn't click the link, Creative Coding is essentially using code to create art. As someone who always loved art, but didn't have the talent nor the motive to put effort into learning traditional art, Creative Coding was an amazing find.

There are so many different fields of Computer Science that interest me, but I am currently leaning towards Web development and Software Engineering as I recently had the pleasant opportunity of working as a Software Engineering Intern over at Quantiful.

I have been using Linux as my daily driver since the second half of 2020 and the only time I've ever booted back into windows was to play some games that weren't supported on Linux. I'm currently using ArcoLinux since I'm too lazy to build Arch up from scratch. Maybe one day...

My Linux and Computer Science journey is just starting and I aim to be constantly learning new technologies to further improve my workflow.